Alcohol and Drugs Harms to Others Survey

About Us

The Alcohol Research Group (ARG) of the Public Health Institute was established in 1959 to conduct and disseminate high-quality research in epidemiology of alcohol consumption and problems including alcohol use disorders, alcohol related health services research, and analyses of alcohol policy and its impacts.

ARG is home to the National Alcohol Research Center, funded by the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), and is the only one of its kind specializing in the epidemiology of alcohol use and problems. In recent years, ARG expanded its scope of research to include substances such as cannabis, opioids, and stimulants in order to better fulfill ARG’s mission.

Our Mission

ARG’s mission focuses on better understanding the public health implications of alcohol and drug use patterns and associated problems of all kinds. Additionally, it disseminates these findings, as well as trains future generations of public health researchers to become independent scientists in the field of alcohol studies.

A major component of ARG’s activities is centered on the epidemiology of drinking patterns and alcohol-related problems, including social and health harms such as injuries and drinking while driving, as well as harms people experience as a result of another person’s drinking or substance use. We also study community responses to these problems including informal criticism and confrontations of problem drinkers, mutual aid groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, medical and specialty services that treat alcohol-related conditions, as well as community-based organizations and legislative remedies.

We are interested in regional, national and international dimensions of alcohol consumption and problems related to alcohol and substance use. The organization’s research portfolio has grown to include some studies involving other drug use and treatment, economic issues related to alcohol, homelessness and mental health issues.

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